Hello (sorry for my bad english)
I use textmate with the theme Eiffel to create my latex code.
When i want to put this code on my site, i use two commands of the TextMate's Bundle :
Create HTML From Document and Create CSS From Current Theme
This works very fine : http://altermundus.fr/pages/lx/tb.html
But :
The css is very heavy and the source code also and it's very difficult to modify this code
The same code is at this page on the site of Kjell Magne Fauskes
http://www.fauskes.net/pgftikzexamples/ (clic on the Sign diagram)
Kjell uses pygments a module of Python. The css and the code are more simple and the result is correct
Two questions :
1) is it possible (perhaps with a better theme create only for latex) to get a css more simple and a lighter source ?
2) is it possible to use pygments ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/ pygments/ or http://pygments.pocoo.org/ ) from TextMate with Python's Bundle
Greetings Alain
ps : The result of the css with textmate is very fine but is difficult to modify it directly by hand !