Le 4 avr. 07 à 07:04, Charilaos Skiadas a écrit :
What I am saying is that if you have towards the top of your file the line: %!TEX TS-program = latex then TextMate will use latex+dvi+ps+ps2pdf instead of pdflatex. Is this not what you were asking?
ok like TeXshop but .... but now the problem is if the user ptu something on the first line for personnal use, ecause I suppose that %!TEX TS-program = latex must be on the first line. But this is a solution
As for the dvi2ps vs dvitops issue, is there anyone not using dvi2ps? If so, what are the reasons?
Sorry i make a mistake with the names : the steps are : latex --> dvips ---> ps2pdf or pstopdf
The distillers are pstopdf and ps2pdf not dvitopdf ????
For example, Preview.app invokes it(pstopdf ) indifferently when opening PS and EPS files.
In fact, you are three Distillers : epstopdf (teTeX's Distiller but for eps files) , ps2pdf (GhostScript's Distiller) and pstopdf (Apple a product from Adobe but not the real distiller)
And it's more complicated because ps2pdf is a wrapper *************************************************************** t#!/bin/sh # $Id: ps2pdf13 6300 2005-12-28 19:56:24Z giles $ # Convert PostScript to PDF 1.3 (Acrobat 4-and-later compatible). exec ps2pdfwr -dCompatibilityLevel=1.3 "$@" ****************************************************************** And if you transparency or opacity you need to change that 1.4 is needing
Some users prefer apple distiller because Apple uses this tools (Preview) and if you work with a mac you can think that the tools are good ( it's not really the truth but ....). The good distiller is Adobe distiller but it's not free and the others have defaults. But when something goes wrong with one distiller you choose the other like in TeXshop..
i have some difficulties to insert that with the new script. I'm a really newbie i make this but it's very brutal :
run_tex () { "$TEX" ${TM_LATEX_OPTIONS:=--shell-escape -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error-style} "$1" }
# Compile. run_tex "$FILE"
open -a "$V" temptex.pdf html_footer
So is this not working?
yes this working and if i work with my bash book perhaps i can make a better one.
If you want to create temporary files, I would suggest doing so in the /tmp directory, instead of the current directory.
yes i know that's the good way but i don't know how to use it ? but i can study examples
Greetings Alain