I am trying to improve the syntaxe for the Latex bundle. However, I am not familiar with plist.
In addition to structures of the type
I would like to add a folding of the \section, \chapter, \subsection structure.
For this, I thought of adding in a snipped a line at the end of these structures which would be considered as a comment by Latex:
\section{This is a section}
%\end-section{This is a section}
\section{A new section} ....
I have tried to modified the current Latex.plist to :
<key>foldingStartMarker</key> <string>(\begin{.*}|\(((sub)*section)|(chapter)|(paragraph)|(part))(*?){.*})</string> <key>foldingStopMarker</key> <string>(\end{.*}|%\end-(((sub)*section)|(chapter)|(paragraph)|(part))(*?){.*})</string>
However, this does not work very well as if there is any substructure in a \section of the type (\end{equation}, for example), the folding occurs from \section to \end{equation}.
Anybody could tell me how to correct that??
I thank you in advance!
Normand Mousseau