Am 27.03.2008 um 18:56 schrieb Thomas Aylott - subtleGradient:
Hi Thomas,
... I have a much simpler setup that works great.
what would that be?
But right now I can just drag any file onto the IE6 icon and it opens.
shure this works.
I actually open an instance of IE6 in Coherence Mode and drop the HTML there. anytime I edited the source fpr specific IE-compability, I switch back to IE via Spaces or [CMD+Tab] and simply reload by [CMD + R]
But I like the idea to manage this directly from Textmate, to have IE fully integrated. Besides that windows would be brought in front automatically, so there is less hassle for the preview.
With the latest version of Parallels they have smartselect or whatever that handles it all for you.
smart select means, you can set Windows applications as a default to any file-typpe. doing so in this case, would mean that any HTML will be opened in IE6, what I definitly do not want :0)
I'm going to blog about my specific testing setup again soon. It'll have much more detailed info on setting up a really killer Web Dev environment.