I rewrote a bunch of stuff in my Balance Jr Command. I made a new screencast.
Blog Post http://subtlegradient.com/articles/2006/05/06/balance-jr-2-0-for- textmate-screencast
Download in a zip http://trippledoubleyou.subtlegradient.com/textmate/ tAylott_subtleGradient.tmbundle.zip
Subscribe with SVN http://textmate.svn.subtlegradient.com/Bundles/ tAylott_subtleGradient.tmbundle/
Well, now that I've watched the screencast, I can now say that I finally understand the philosophy behind your balance jr command, namely that prev is used to fine tune and next is used to grab (more or less). This is a good thing Ibelieve :)
Also, prev is used to select the surrounding contents of the caret. You use PREV inside of a string to select the contents of that string for example.
However, how did you select that one div-tag and change it with the end tag?
That is Duane's Intelligent Jump http://blog.inquirylabs.com/2006/05/02/new-feature-intelligent-jump/
I changed his keystrokes to shift-home and shift-end
Also, I'd suggest a change in the oh so wonderful add html- attribute, it should add it to the current tag the caret is in if at all possible. Scenario (| means caret) <p|> this I believe should add an attribute in that p-tag, however, it jumps to the next instead. So, while inside the <> characters, I believe it should stick to that tag.
You are, of course, completely right. I have been meaning to fix that, but hadn't gotten around to it yet :-! I'll let you know when I do