On 16 Dec 2011, at 06:12, Trevor Harmon wrote:
That works great for the scopes where it's defined, but many of the scopes where I want soft wrap indentation (XML comments, Java source code) don't have it. As an alternative to inserting indentedSoftWrap in all the bundles I use, is it possible to specify a single global fall-back that performs a "dumb" soft wrap indentation (e.g., indenting to the same level as the previous line, or same level plus 1)? In other words, is there a way to tell TextMate that I want indented soft wrap *everywhere*? Thanks,
The empty scope selector will match all scopes (and thus be the fallback).
And “same indent as last line plus one” could e.g. be:
{ indentedSoftWrap = { match = '\A[ \t]*'; format = '$0\t'; }; }