I did update the Subversion bundle from http://svn.textmate.org/trunk/Bundles/Subversion.tmbundle . The last commit was to remove TM_RUBY. I didn't follow the list about that issue but it seems that inside the command "Update to Newest" ruby code the variable #{ruby} isn't set correctly.
... ruby -r "$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib/shelltokenize.rb" <<END svn = ENV['TM_SVN'] || "svn" support = ENV['TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT'] paths = TextMate.selected_paths_array # TODO: Ideally, we'd like to use a tooltip for one and not others, but we can't switch from a tooltip # to dynamic HTML output (or maybe we could double-fork a process?) # if ((paths.size == 1) and not (File.directory? paths[0])) # puts %x{#{svn} update #{TextMate.selected_paths_for_shell}} # else update = IO.popen("'#{svn}' update #{TextMate.selected_paths_for_shell}", 'r') format = IO.popen("'#{ruby}' -- '#{support}/format_status.rb'", 'w') update.each_line { |line| format.puts(line) } # end END ...
look at line :
format = IO.popen("'#{ruby}' -- '#{support}/format_status.rb'", 'w')
If I change it to:
format = IO.popen("ruby -- '#{support}/format_status.rb'", 'w')
everything works fine.
Did I miss something?
Thanks a lot in advance,