On 16 Jul 2016, at 22:35, Stefan Daschek wrote:
Markdown (GitHub) also uses |TM_MARKDOWN|, but defaults to (a bundled version of) |redcarpet.rb|.
This command appears to be copy/pasted from the default Markdown bundle with the fallback value for `TM_MARKDOWN` changed to `redcarpet.rb` and the MathJax support removed (or maybe it was added after Mike cloned the command).
Mike: Would it be feasible to remove the Preview command and instead have the _Markdown (GitHub)_ bundle set `TM_MARKDOWN` to `$TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT/bin/redcarpet.rb`?
That way, users who do not have `TM_MARKDOWN` set and install your bundle will automatically have _Markdown → Preview_ use `redcarpet.rb`.
Users who have set `TM_MARKDOWN` will still get their customer markdown processor, but that is already an issue with _Markdown (GitHub) → Preview_.