I've written a couple of pretty handy macros that do something pretty handy, although not precisely what you guys are talking about.
Check out the ScreenCast! http://subtlegradient.com/articles/2006/02/05/my_textmate_bundles_etc
You place your caret inside something and the macro will select everything in between enclosing characters. It's kinda like the balance command, except it grabs everything INSIDE the characters, but not the characters themselves.
it works with:
[], {}, (), '', "", word="", <>, ><, $word, @word, /* word */, <% word %>, <%= word %>, <%# word %>, <%@ word %>, integers, and probably more, but I forget now.
How it applies to this conversation. If you want to select the "paragraph text" section of the following HTML, place your caret somewhere in the text and hit the macro. It'll select everything between the > & < characters.
<p class="blah"> paragraph text </p>
It's hip, you'll hate it!
On Feb 5, 2006, at 4:39 AM, Alain Ravet wrote:
JetBrains' IDEA has a superior and simple solution to this problem: expanding areas selection. This is one of the features I miss the most in Textmate.
"expanding areas selection:" "Ctrl+W (select word) in the editor selects a word at the caret and then selects expanding areas of the source code. For example, it may select a method name, then the expression that calls this method, then the whole statement, then the containing block, etc."
, and "Shift-Ctrl+W" is the reverse action.
And if you use CamelHumps, Ctrl-W will play it smart by stopping on Humps.