Why are you using a regex for this? Why not simply split the string using '/' as the delemiter, and get the results back in an array? Then you can used indexed access and get the "captures" that way. Or perhaps I'm missing something here...
Best, Erich
On Apr 7, 2005, at 10:26 AM, Mats Persson wrote:
OK, for way too many hours I have been trying to get this seemingly simple Perl compatible regex to work out, but I just can't seem to do it. I'm about to give up, move to a dark cave and shun computers for life. :(
The problem:
I have a string that is looking something like this: /a/b/c/d/ the string can be just /a/ or it can be /a/b/..../z/ very long.
I would like to catch all the various bits in this string [ /a/b/c/d/ ] as follows: $1 = /a/ $2 = b/ $3 = c/ $4 = d/
and so on for each added bit. The bits in between the "/" contains mainly [alphnums].
I've tried every regex version of this that I can think of and most don't return a damn thing, and others return the wrong things. A few days ago I thought I got this regex stuff, but now I'm in serious doubt.
I know that I can workaround the problem by doing other things, but it's become a bit of a burden on my mind. I'd like to know where I'm going wrong 'cause I can't see it at the moment and that drives me mad.
Extremely over the top grateful for any help. :)
Kind regards,
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