On Aug 9, 2006, at 7:32 PM, Robert M. Ullrey wrote:
I thought it might be interesting to see what themes people find best for their various tasks. I do a lot of writing in Markdown and Multimarkdown an like using Sunburst for that (my past favorite for markdown was twilight). When I am writing html code, I prefer slate.
For a while there i was still using iLife05 a bit for some things. But, I can't use anything other than Brilliance Black at this point.
There are just too many subtle things that i haven't bothered to put into any of the other themes. Since I'm right-brained, the little visual nuances drastically improve my mental parsing of all the crazy stuff and things.
I'll probly end up making a Brilliance White theme sooner or later.
thomas Aylott—subtleGradient