something like this would help cakephp projects a lot as well - very similar setup.
On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 12:20 PM, Guoliang Cao wrote:
Hi Allan,
This is a small feature request based on my experience of developing Rails applications.
In rails, view files are named after action name, and thus we get a lot of files with same names but inside different view folders. When we use Apple+T to open file, we can only enter file name and use up/down key to select file.
It'll be really nice if we could enter "/" and dir name to further narrow down choices. For example, enter 'indexhaml/plan' to select index.html.haml in plan directory below. It won't cause much confusion to have dir after file name because the dialog show them in same order.
If you have any comments, please let me know.
Thanks, Guoliang Cao
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