On 26. Feb 2007, at 22:37, Jacob Rus wrote:
PS: Incidentally, I'm in general in favor of merging some of the smaller bundles that really belong together, and doing some other renaming to keep things better organized, more consistent, and clearer for users:
- There's no reason for Django to have 2 bundles. Also, maybe call this "Python -- Django" ?
Are any of the Django guys on this list? If so, do you mind merging the bundles?
Yeah, these two should be merged. I think Michael Sheets was actually, at some point, working on a Django replacement bundle!?! But then, what is he not working to replace? ;)
- OCamlCodeCompletion being 3 bundles is ridiculous. Even one is pushing it, given that the concept is a drastic misuse of snippets for a problem domain they aren't suited to, but 3 is definitely overkill.
I think that someone's working on this
Yes, I think when the newer completion bundle from David Powers has been deemed useable enough, the other (snippet-based completion) bundles will go.
- JQuery should be renamed "Javascript JQuery" to match the YUI and Prototype bundles.
It should. I’d considered doing it myself :)
- "Tricks" and "Experimental" bundles seem to have an overlapping mission
Apparently they don't have an overlapping mission, and Allan wants to keep them separate. Okay by me :)
As of such, might be better to move all this experimental stuff to another location on the repository.
- "Template toolkit" should maybe be called "HTML -- template toolkit" so that people have an idea what it is?
Template Toolkit is a Perl module, so it might be more correct to name it: “Perl Template Toolkit” to follow the naming convention. But I am not entirely sure in which contexts the toolkit is used.
- Not sure "web searches" really deserves its own bundle. Why can't it go under the "TextMate" bundle or similar.
I still sort of feel this way. Maybe it belongs in "tricks" then, or something?
We could also retire some of the stuff (all but the Shorten Amazon Link) -- these all open up an external browser, and for that, I’d say there are better / system-wide tools (Quicksilver, Services). For TextMate, commands like the Haris’ Google-lucky command, Brett’s Wikipedia stuff, etc. is much better.
- should SWeave maybe be called "R -- Sweave"?
Or LaTeX Sweave?
- I still kinda think 3 GTD bundles is too much
What ever happened to the plan to get rid of "GTD" and change the name of "GTD2" to just "GTD"? Or am I just imagining that that was the plan?
Yes, I think Mike said he needed something like 14 days to see if GTD2 was good enough to fully replace GTD -- Mike, are you there?
- Can we just get rid of Active4D altogether, as something that's only used by one guy? (and take that theme out of the repository, too?)
I'm not sure that Aparajita guy is subscribed to this list. Maybe someone should just email him directly and ask about this?
I think it is fine to keep it for now -- when bundlecasts become a practical alternative to the central repository, we can re-evaluate which bundles should be in the central repository.
- Change "MIPS" to "Assembler", and then people can put other assembly language syntaxes in the same bundle?
Is anyone opposed to such a change? I think it would keep things cleaner, but maybe I'm wrong about that.
With the categorization effort [1] I am moving away from presenting bundles as one flat list. This means it will be better to not merge too many bundles, as viewing bundles will (in the general case) be limited to one category (e.g. assembler), and it will thus be better for the potential 68K developer to just install the 68K bundle, rather than have to install an umbrella assembler bundle.
[1] http://lists.macromates.com/pipermail/textmate-dev/2007-February/ 008240.html