On Mar 11, 2006, at 10:41 AM, Christian Bogen wrote:
I suspected that TeXniscope simply doesn't correctly escape the spaces …
Addendum: I've just tried it again to be sure (with the /usr/local/ bin/mate and %file -l %line in TeXniscope and it even seems to be broken both ways with a path/file name containing spaces. When I hit ctrl-select-command-o in TextMate focus shifts to TeXniscope but that's about it -- not green marker appears and it doesn't jump to the page. Command-clicking in TeXniscope on the other hand actually produces the error messages »Warning This document do not have syncronization info.« (Which is a lie! ;)
huh, you are right it is still broken. Not much we can do though I think, other than avoid spaces in the path name of the file. It seems to be in TeXniscope's hands. I emailed the developer, and if we are lucky he might have a workaround to suggest.