I know there have been a lot of questions about Soft Wrapping in Textmate 2, but I haven't found any solutions for a problem that I've had for a while now.
Basically, I have "soft wrap" enabled, and I have it set to "Wrap Column > Use Window Frame". I have it set as a global setting using a .tm_properties file in my home directory.
My issue, though is that "soft wrap" seems to not work correctly. Specifically, my lines of text (any language) *extend past the window frame*, by a good 40 or so characters. This has the annoying effect of having to horizontally scroll on *every* file that I open. If I narrow my window, the wrap will readjust the lines, but again, keeping about 40 characters past the window frame.
When I enable "Show Wrap Column" the line does appear, but the lines of text keep on truckin' past it.
I know that I could set an explicit character count to force the wrap, even aside from the default 40 or 80. I'm trying to avoid doing that, though, because I use a laptop with a small monitor, but will hook it to a larger monitor, and want to be able to readjust my windows on the fly. Plus, hey, soft wrap worked perfectly before in TM1 - I'm wondering what I may have set up wrong in TM2, or neglected to adjust.
I apologize if this has been mentioned in a previous listing - I looked, but didn't see it. I also don't know if this got mentioned in any release notes explicitly.
Thanks for your help!