On 17/7/2006, at 21:02, Michael Reece wrote:
i keep a folder of saved terminals (*.term files) which i use to open color-coded terminals (blue.term, red.term, green.term, etc).
after using the CTRL-SHIFT-o from textmate to open a terminal at the current files directory, double-clicking my .term files in finder no longer opens a terminal, until i close all terminals and re-open Terminal.app, then the *.term files work again until i next CTRL-SHIFT-o from textmate.
I don’t think the problem is with TextMate. The Open Terminal (⌃⇧O) just asks Terminal for a new window and instructs it to CD to the directory of the current document.
There have been two cases in the past where this caused the users Terminal preferences to somehow record that in the future Terminal should CD to that folder as part of its startup (or similar.) Though I haven’t been able to reproduce it, and TextMate doesn’t do anything special in the Open Terminal command (you can have a look at the code in the bundle editor.)