On 7 Jan 2008, at 13:53, Joachim Mårtensson wrote:
- Why does the Singleton template create an Objective-C++
implementation file - file extension is .mm?
Because I always need C++ in my Objective-C code :)
Also it might be preferable to use Apple's "recommended" singleton implementation: http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/CocoaFundamentals/... /apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40002974-CH4-SW32
To the best of my knowledge I have made any changes to this, I do not personally use the templates. Perhaps someone else can reply?
I don’t think Apple had a recommended one when I did the template. I’ll look into updating it.
- "Reformat Method Call" is a really good tool for keeping code
tidy, but there are some problems with indenting [...]
I do not think messing with the indent/dedent patterns are going to help. I actually had a conversation with Allan about this a few months ago since it annoys me as well, he had a few ideas for 2.0 if I recall correctly. A command to do this would involve both code and adding scopes to the syntax grammar (unless I am mistaken about the auto-indent behaviour).
Yeah, too complex to solve for 1.x. Should be better in 2.0.