I'm not sure what the TextMate terms for this are, so please bear with me (I'd have searched the help file more thoroughly, if I knew the right terms)
When, for example, creating a method declaration using m(tab) in the Objective-C bundle, you get this:
-(id) method:(id)aparameter;
(or something close to it).
The caret is on the first id, which is selected. So far, so good -- type in, and the "id" is replaced, as expected, with what you typed.
However, and this is probably something I just got used to with Eclipse, there doesn't seem to be a way to jump to, and select, the next replaceable field, for example the word "method", which is done by pressing 'tab' in Eclipse, navigating from field to field until all are set, with the last caret position being a specified insert position.
I'm not sure I'm explaining myself well, but I hope that what I describe is fairly clear.
So, is there a way to do this? If so, how? And, what is it called, so that I never have to ask this question again? ;)