On 19 Sep 2006, at 18:10, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
HI Christopher, On Sep 19, 2006, at 12:26 PM, Christopher Brewster wrote:
I just updated the Latex bundle according to the instruction for bundle updating in the help file. Now the cmd-{ function does not work. Also it cannot find TeXniscope: /bin/bash: line 60: find_app: command not found Error locating external viewer: TeXniscope
The problem is likely that you have not updated the global support directory. You would need to check that out as well I think. It is under: http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Support/ And of course as Mark said, you should only be doing this if you haven't checked these things out before. Otherwise, you should be doing an “svn up”.
Problem solved now. Thanks - it behaves as before.
It might be possible that you now have two different LaTeX language grammars in your computer. Check the language popup and see. Also do a ctrl-shift-P to se the scope in a LaTeX document. The basic scope should now be text.tex.latex
If you have customized any of these commands, then you might have to remove/edit those customizations. If you open the Bundle editor and look at the "Environment Based on Current Word" command what does it show as "Scope Selector"? We've recently just renamed everything, so while before the scope for all LaTeX commands was text.latex, now it is text.tex.latex. (There were very good reasons for this change). So those command will possibly have to be changed if they have local modifications, depending on when those local modifications were made.
All this is as it should be. However, what you said you had changed (in a previous mailing) does not show up, i.e.
I actually just went ahead and committed these two changes. For general reference for people not familiar with it, I've appended all the shortcuts used by the cmd-{ command at the moment. New shortcuts are added every now and then, and you suggestions would be welcomed.
it = '\textit{$1} '; bf = '\textbf{$1} '; tt = '\texttt{$1} ';
When I write: it <cmd-{> I get : \begin{itemize} \item \end{itemize}
and with 'em' I get: \begin{em} \end{em}
and with ctr-shift-w, I get \emph{} ^^^^^ with the 'emph' highlighted.
Any thoughts,