Let me take this opportunity to add a suggestion myself. The feature that I absolutely love in TM is that in order to move text around, I can use Control-Command-arrow keys to do it, without messing with the pasteboard. It would be dreamy, if I could have TM move the selected text over whole words when doing that, maybe with Ctrl-Cmd-Opt-arrow keys? Or are these reserved for other use?
On May 5, 2005, at 6:19 PM, Julian Tyler wrote:
I don't know if this is the right place to say,
but i have two suggestions.
- Have the command output window docked to the project/document
window, an option of course?
- Have Output option in the Command Editor, that lets me jump to a
specific file/line/col of a file.
Best Editor, Already a Convert (after 3 days)
Julian Tyler +---------------------------------------------------------------------- -----+
- A debugged program is one for which you have not yet found the
conditions +
- that make it fail.
-- Jerry Ogdin
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