On 11/01/2008, Brad Miller bonelake@gmail.com wrote:
Haris, I cannot reproduce the beeping,
I can reproduce it if I turn on the "Check for file changes" option in the Skim prefs. Haris told me that he had that option on, so I suspect that's the explanation. What happens is that Skim starts to reload the file, having noticed that it has changed, and then the AppleEvent arrives while the file is already reloading, causing Skim to beep. (Because it's timing-dependent, it doesn't happen every time, and how frequently it happens probably depends on the size and complexity of the file and the speed of the machine.)
On Jan 11, 2008, at 6:12 AM, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
Also, focus doesn't seem to switch to Skim.
Again this works for me. But it also worked for me without Robin's patch to tell Skim to activate! I hate applescript.
But I haven't posted my patch to tell the viewer to activate! It's attached here.