Hi everyone,
I want to set a command to run a makefile to build a CUDA, and run it from the Debug/ folder. However I hate hardcoding the name of the executable, is it possible to use a variable that depends on the file I'm standing on or the name of the director from which make is being executed
Also, I would like to make an alternate command with which I can tell make what target to execute.
. "$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib/webpreview.sh" html_header "Running make"
make ${TM_MAKE_FLAGS} 2>&1|"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}" -rtm_parser - eTextMate.parse_errors
Debug/Sum 2>&1|"${TM_RUBY:-ruby}" -rtm_parser -eTextMate.parse_errors
echo "Done." html_footer
Any help appreciated, Ted