I added the following to my javascript bundle, over the normal function detection code (but that wouldn't make any difference, right?)
{ name = "meta.function.js"; match = "^\s*([a-zA-Z_]\w*):\s*(function)\s*\(([^)] *)\)"; captures = { 1 = { name = "entity.name.function.js"; }; 2 = { name = "storage.type.function.js"; }; 3 = { name = "variable.parameter.function.js"; }; }; },
{ name = "meta.function.js"; match = "^\s*(var\b)?\s*this\.([a-zA-Z_]\w*)\s*=\ \s*(function)\s*\(([^)]*)\)"; captures = { 1 = { name = "storage.type.js"; }; 2 = { name = "entity.name.function.js"; }; 3 = { name = "storage.type.function.js"; }; 4 = { name = "variable.parameter.function.js"; }; }; },
the first should match functions like
functionName: function(arguments) { ... }
and the second
(var) this.functionName = function(arguments) { ... } with the first var being optional.
Is it correct? It seems to work but I don't dare trust my RegExp skills ;) Any other comments?