I have some tiny problems with TM's HTML output window.
I have a tmcommand which generates HTML code on basis on a shell script. Fine, after invoking it I see my result. In addition I added a button called 'Refresh' to that HTML page. I want to use it to start that shell script again (which writes the HTML code to a file) using TextMate.system and then via JavaScript 'location.href' or 'location.replace()' to refresh the HTML output window.
Well, this only works if I press the button at least twice or three times(?). After pressing the refresh button I had a look at the new generated html file and the content is correct, but TM'S HTML output window displays still the 'old' version. I tried the meta tags no-cache and expire with '0'. No success. I also changed the actual html code a bit to be sure that TM recognizes it's a new document.
Is there a built-in cache for the HTML ouptut? Or can someone advice me? How can force TM to refresh the HTML output?
Many thanks in advance,