That is a very useful thing to know about. It does strike me as very strange that the Oniguruma Regular Expressions system is like this.
I haven't as yet encountered a situation where this was going to be a problem but I'd noticed that it doesn't seem to be accounted for in Oniguruma.
In the system used by BBEedit¹ the matching expression is two or three characters long, where the last one or two characters or digits.
So, \1 matches the first group in the find expression and \01 does the same. If you want to replace this followed by the digit "2" then you put \012 in the replace expression. This is no problem up until 99 matches of course :)
¹Apologies for mentioning BBEdit :)
On 2 Sep 2008, at 16:53, Hans-Jörg Bibiko wrote:
Maybe you could try to use Conditional Insertions mentioned in the TM manual chapter 20.4.3 http://manual.macromates.com/en/regular_expressions
Naïve example:
I have the string
and I want to get
by using this regexp:
this won't work:
123$1$27 because $27 isn't set
but this should work
(?0:) is a kind of dummy and inserts nothing