Hi Haris, Thanks for you quick reply. I am not sure how to update the TextMate/Support directory, do i just run
"svn update http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Support/" in the directory "/Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Support"?
or do I need to run ""svn co http://macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/ Support/"
many thanks
On 9 Mar 2006, at 15:08, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
On Mar 9, 2006, at 9:03 AM, Jeffrey Hau wrote:
Hi, I have just installed the latest version,
my test file is
\lable{test-lable \ref{}
when i tried the "enhanced insert label.." (option esc) nothing happens, if i tried pressing just esc (with \ref{te} ), then i get the following error inserted
\ref{tein/bash: line 1: /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/ SharedSupport/Support/bin/LatexLabelCompletions.rb: No such file or directory}
I'm terribly sorry, I forgot to mention: You need to also update from the repository the directory TextMate/Support This is the global support directory, and inside its bin subdirectory contains the LatexLabelCompletions.rb script, along with a couple more scripts necessary for these completions. For some technical reasons, these files could not have been put inside the LaTeX bundle.
when i tried the enhanced insert label for \cite, 2 options come up: BibDeskCompletion and Bibliography Completion, but when i click on them, neither works (nothing happens, like for \ref), and I have set the TM_LATEX_BIB variable.
These should work once you update the support directory. Let me know if they still don't.
many thanks for your help
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