Awesome, everything works now, thanks.
On 22-Oct-07, at 7:31 AM, Gary Fleshman wrote:
Using the RSpec-1.0.8.tmbundle.tgz at group_id=797, I suffered similar issues until I created an environment.plist per this procedure:
I had earlier installed the 'Ruby RSpec.tmBundle' via svn from the macromates repository, but had no success using it to run behavior descriptions. Nevertheless, 'Ruby Rspec.tmBundle' did permit the selection of 'RSpec' as a document language, while 'RSpec-1.0.8.tmbundle' does not. This puzzles me.
Gary ................................
On Oct 21, 2007, at 7:44 PM, Nate Smith wrote:
Thanks for the help, I think I'll just wait for friday's OS X install to fix my ruby issues :).
On 21-Oct-07, at 10:58 AM, James Edward Gray II wrote:
On Oct 20, 2007, at 11:52 PM, Nate Smith wrote:
I definitely installed RSpec with rubygems, but I'm using the RSpec Rails plugin for my current project, but I don't see how that should make a difference if spec_mate.rb is looking for rubygems. Also, when I run the "Open Require" command on the first line of spec_mate.rb it cannot find rubygems.rb.
My best guess is that you have two Ruby installs and TextMate is finding the wrong one. See:
James Edward Gray II
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