A typical problem is the bold command in the Latex bundle. Instead of inserting "textbf{}", it inserts "env: ruby -s: No such file or directory". The bold command seems to work if I replace the first line in toggle_style.rb with "#!/usr/bin/ruby -s". (I have created a link so that /usr/bin/ruby links to Ruby 1.8 installed from Fink.)
Will I break things if I change the first line of the various ruby scripts from "#!/usr/bin/env ruby -s" to "#!/usr/bin/ruby -s"?
Thanks for your help,
On Sep 17, 2006, at 1:09 AM, Darryl Morrell wrote:
I recently acquired TextMate 1.5.3, and am overall very pleased with it. However, I am running OS X 10.3.9, and several bundles do not work correctly. In particular, several commands in the Latex and TODO bundles do not work. Some of the problems were fixed by installing Ruby 1.8 from Fink, but many others remain. Any help would be appreciated.
A lot of bundle commands require Ruby 1.8, and as far as I know that's the only problem with 10.3.9, so if there are still commands you can't run, then you should probably tell us what they are and what error messages you get.
Darryl Morrell