What could I have done that will give me this error when I hit command-R for compiling latex:
"python: execv: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.5/ Resources/Python.app/Contents/MacOS/Python: No such file or directory"
It sounds like there is some problem with your setup for python. The command runs a python script that starts with the line:
#!/usr/bin/env python2.3
This means it should explicitly look for and use python2.3. In your case, it seems to be doing something weird. Have you messed with the python installation in any way? Hopefully Brad, or someone else more knowledgeable with Python, might be able to help us here.
What if he is using the latex bundle that comes with TextMate, rather than the newer one from svn? As near as I can tell, its texMate.py starts with:
#!/usr/bin/env python
If the script was assuming a python2.3 installation, and he had some newer python (for whatever reason), could this lead to his error?
Well, problem is that the shell is looking for a more recent version of python which doesn't exist any longer on its system. What do the following commands return in a shell?
which python ls -l (previous result) which python2.3 ls -l (previous result)