On Jun 5, 2007, at 3:45 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
You could always overload the key sequence in a bundle (limited to text.html.asp probably) and then replicate TM’s logic (when the file does not match your desired pattern).
I am not dismissive of opening up the functionality for customizing, but [...] looking e.g. at the Rails file switching command, there is a lot of logic which does make it better to just replace the functionality (rather than have TM support “configuration” of the command).
I kind of reached the same conclusion after thinking about it more. I suppose I was sort of thinking out loud (or thinking in type) with the last email. I had kind of half/noticed while working with the Rails bundle that it seemed to behave differently, but I haven't spent enough time in that bundle to really get what's going on as far as TextMate is concerned. I'll probably look into the rails bundle & see if I can get something like that working for my stuff.
The only real benefit I can see to a configuration option is that you're not repeating the same kinds of bundles all over the place, but in practice I don't think anyone is going to have tons of special cases spanning multiple languages that don't fit the general rules. Its really probably not worth it if you can do the same thing with a bundle.
- Cliff