Hi. I just read the latest news on the TextMate site about a "quick launch" thingie for selecting a project file [ http://macromates.com/blog/archives/2005/01/28/elevating-the-standard/ ]
I haven't tested this out in the beta but I think this is a great idea. However, I have a much simpler request that is related to navigating around TextMate mouse-free. How about a key command to switch focus from the editor pane to the project-file-list pane. This is about the only thing left that I have to touch the mouse for when editing! Currently I manually click on a file in the project-file-list pane, use the arrows to find another one, then press enter to open it for editing (unless I'm in the mood for mousing). now... if there was a way to jump back to the file-list pane via key-command while editing that would be great. Of course, the quick launch will be helpful but the above request seems like an easy feature to add, no? Net News Wire Lite, which has the same drawer-content window layout, allows for movement between these panes via left/right arrows ... making RSS reading completely mouse free. Emacs users will love you for it Allan :)
thx, K