On May 10, 2020, at 6:28 PM, Allan Odgaard mailinglist@textmate.org wrote:
On 3 Mar 2020, at 18:09, list_email@icloud.com wrote:
TM 1.5 with the Ada bundle currently does not correctly follow the compiler error bug links back to the correct place in the source code window. Instead, it opens a new source code window and scrolls to the correct line there. You can edit your code in the new window but the changes are not reflected in the original window unless you reload the file, a huge PITA.
This could probably be caused by symbolic links in the path, as it sounds like TextMate 1.5 considers the path from the Ada error output different to the currently open file.
[I’m not sure how this e-mail got on this thread—I think it’s the wrong thread and I can’t find the original.]
Thanks for understanding my rather poorly-described problem. You figured out that the bug links that I mentioned were in the (HTML?) window that TM makes for some bundles with the links to buggy source lines.
This has been a problem for a long time but not, as far as I can remember, forever. I don’t know when I first noticed it.
I checked anything that I thought could be related to symlinks and didn’t turn up anything.
So… this is weird. The problem happens only when the file name begins with an upper-case letter! So for example,
does _not_ work (it throws up the spurious window while building) but
_does_ work.
After I exercised and exorcised all my other superstitions and tried this (changing the case of the file name), I finally noticed that the name in the title of the new, spurious, source window was the source file name but with upper case letters replaced by lower-case letters. So, for example, Test_Hermite_Cubic_Spline was displayed in the new title bar as test_hermite_cubic_spline, and, if I’ve not been clear yet, the malfunction was then present.
Summary: Don’t use upper-case letters in the file name.
Final note: Is this a Ruby thing? I’ll paste the build script below—some of it will look foreign to most. I’ve modified this from the original Ada bundle.
I know I’m weird using TM 1.5 but TM2 doesn’t run on my machine. I’ll make another post about that. I don’t mind if this post doesn’t get noticed because I think I’ve “fixed" the problem.
export PATH=$MY_GNAT_BIN:$PATH; . "$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib/webpreview.sh" html_header "Building “${TM_FILENAME}”…" $MY_GNAT_BIN/gprbuild $MY_PROJECT_ROOT/build.gpr &> >(ruby -rtm_parser -eTextMate.parse_errors) if [[ $? == 0 ]] then echo "Build succeeded." afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Ping.aiff osascript -e 'say "woo hoo!" volume 0.25' else echo "Build failed." afplay /System/Library/Sounds/Bottle.aiff osascript -e 'say "Crap!" volume 0.25' fi html_footer