On 14 Dec 2011, at 01:55, Hans Stimer wrote:
Is there a way to create a Vim like plugin for TM2? Specifically, can a plugin intercept all keystrokes and invoke built-in commands? If reasonably possible, would it be best done as a bundle or plugin?
Surely if you change editor you learn the 'new' way of doing things. If Vim was doing it right you wouldn't be moving to TM. What you may be losing with the feature you're describing must be out-weighed by the things you are gaining - other wise you would still be mainly using Vim?
If TM can't do what you're looking for, how about one of the third party apps that insert snippets or run actions based on keystrokes? Something like TextExpander (there are others but I don't recall their names, TE works for me).
BTW, I'd be interested what it is Vim is doing for you, I've been using Vi/Vim for almost twenty years, never as a hard-core user, more on a casual basis, and am not familiar with what you describe. I curious in case I ever end up on a system where I have to do a lot of work with Vi/Vim.