Hi !
Thanks all for your answers. So I will look again at TM when it reaches 1.3.
Just a few comments :
- I need some way to close XML tags automatically with the easyiest
possible keystroke. For some reason, the shortcut for this feature does not work on my system (Tiger on iBook G4 and latest version of TextMate)
command-alt-shift-; (on a French keyboard) does not work?
Seems to me that on my old B&W G3 under Tiger it works regardless of the kind of document edited in TM.
I confirm that this does not work on my system. What's strange about that is that when I hit this keystroke, the "Automation" menu actually blinks, as if one of its items was activated, but nothing more happens. But when I select the item in the menu using the mouse, it works... As far as I remember I saw in another thread that this may be due to some kind of conflict with a LateX-related shortcut.
I have never used an editor that indented soft-wrapped lines. I would think that would be annoying because the editor would control the indentation, not you.
I'm talking about *soft* wrapping, so this is just a matter of display. For me this feature offers a very clear view of text- oriented XML documents (see screenshot attached).
Best regards, -- Frédérik Bilhaut GREYC - Université de Caen Campus II - Sciences 3 - Bureau 385 http://www.info.unicaen.fr/~fbilhaut