Le 18 mai 06 à 18:00, Christoph Biela a écrit :
It would be great if someone could help me or send the website where this is already posted. However, I would also appreciate some helpful comments on how to write the script by myself.
I'm not sure that my answer is right for your question because i've some difficulties with english language...
example of personal project:
\documentclass[]{prof} \begin{document} \input{part1.tex} \newline \input{part2.tex} \end{document}
With my personal class prof.cls, i have a file prof.clg with all the calls to packages. If you used another class and if you need packages, it's possible to modify the script.
If i want to compile only part1.tex, i proceed like this
1) Boulot(/Users/ego/Documents/Boulot) is the folder for all my works and it's declared in texmf.cnf that simplifies the paths.
2) In Boulot I created a directory "temp" for temporary files.
3) Then In the Shell variable I created :
TM_DIR_FOR_TEMP : /Users/ego/Documents/Boulot/temp MY_CLASS : prof
and I used a script with this idea : creation of temporary file : tempfile which contains part1.tex
like this : cat >tempfile.tex<<EOF \documentclass{$MY_CLASS} \thispagestyle{empty} \graphicspath{{$DIRtemp/}} \begin{document} \input $M \end{document} EOF
$M is part1.tex \graphicspath{{$DIRtemp/}} : i put the graphics files always in the same directory of part1.tex
========================================== I don't use latexmkrc !!! so I modified only a part of the original script : Latex & View
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! use this script with precaution !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
========================================== ==========================================
# Source some support functions we need. . "${TM_SUPPORT_PATH}/lib/html.sh"
# Set up some variables we need. TEX=${TM_LATEX_COMPILER:=pdflatex} EL=${TM_LATEX_ERRLVL:=1} M=${TM_LATEX_MASTER:=$TM_FILEPATH} # in M : part1.tex DIRtemp=`dirname "$M"` # the directory of part1.tex
DIR="/Users/ego/Documents/Boulot/temp" FILE="tempfile.tex"
cd ${TM_DIR_FOR_TEMP} cat >tempfile.tex<<EOF \documentclass{$MY_CLASS} \thispagestyle{empty} \graphicspath{{$DIRtemp/}} \begin{document} \input $M \end{document} EOF
# Switch to the right directory. cd "$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY" cd "$DIR"
# Prepare output window. htmlHeader "Compiling LaTeX (file $FILE)" echo '<h1>Compiling LaTeX...</h1>'
run_tex () { if [ "$TEX" != latexmk.pl ] then "$TEX" ${TM_LATEX_OPTIONS:=-interaction=nonstopmode -file-line- error-style} tempfile.tex else "$TEX" -f -r "${TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT}/latexmkrc" "$1" fi }
# Compile. run_tex "$FILE" 2>&1| latexErrWarnHtml.py -v RC=$?
if [ "$V" == html ]; then if [ -s "${PDF}" -a "$PDF" -nt "$FILE" ]; then WEB_LOC="tm-file://${DIR}/${PDF}" WEB_LOC="${WEB_LOC//\#/%23}" if (($RC > $EL)); then link "${WEB_LOC}" 'Click Here to Preview' else redirect "${WEB_LOC}" fi else strong "Error: PDF file not written to disk" fi htmlFooter else open -a "$V" tempfile.pdf if (($RC <= $EL)); then closeWindow; fi fi echo "Cleaning..." # Switch to the right directory.
cd ${TM_DIR_FOR_TEMP} rm -f tempfile.aux rm -f tempfile.log echo "Done Cleaning up" ========================================== ==========================================
Alain Matthes
Perhaps there is a better way of also doing this if you can improve this script, I will be very happyU