On 10/27/04 7:52 PM, "Justin French" justin.french@indent.com.au wrote:
All of the text editors in Transmit's pop-up are special -- they all support a special suite of AppleEvents, so that when you choose "Save" in the text editor, it automatically launches Transmit and uploads the file to the right location.
This sounds similar to Interarchy's "Edit with..." feature. This is a perfect opportunity for me to ask for that again. :-D Pretty please with sugar on top. Here are the details for that again:
------ Forwarded Message From: Peter N Lewis peter@stairways.com.au Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 10:06:08 +0800 To: Simon Dorfman Simon@SimonDorfman.com Subject: Re: Edit with... TextMate
I want to ask the developer of a new text editor (TextMate macromates.com) to support your "Edit with..." feature. What does he need to know to make it jive with Interarchy?
The details are at:
and Bare Bones' original specification is at: http://www.barebones.com/support/developer/odbsuite.html
If they drop me a line when it is implemented we'll be happy to add TexMate to our list of possible editors.
Enjoy, Peter.
-- http://www.stairways.com/ http://download.stairways.com/
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