Piero D'Ancona wrote:
I installed ruby 1.8.5 and appscript on my mac (and it is hugely better that the schizolanguage of AppleScript).
Now if I define a command in TextMate like
#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "appscript" include Appscript te = app('TextEdit')
TextMate complains it (he) cannot find appscript.rb (no use to give the explicit path since then TextMate cannot find the files require'd inside appscript, etc etc).
Clearly, I must set new paths, but how? and maybe I should also tell TextMate to use 1.8.5 instead of 1.8.2 I'm sure this is easy but have no idea how to do it. Any help?
Where did you install ruby 1.8.5? Make sure that's in your PATH. "ruby -v" in Terminal should say 1.8.5 if it is.
See under the heading "Paths" here for more info: http://hivelogic.com/narrative/articles/ruby-rails-mongrel-mysql-osx