Le 18 nov. 2009 à 01:00, Alex Ross a écrit :
Hey Alain,
Your code looks safe. I'm not sure what you meant by safe, but I'm quite sure this won't hurt anything.
I simplified it a little bit, and added the features you wanted:
#!/usr/bin/ruby # Created by Alain Matthes on 2009-11-15 (www.altermundus.com). # Some simplification by Alex Ross (http://lasersox.net)
snippet = "\numprint{${1:#{$stdin.read || "..."}}}$2" snippet = "\$#{snippet}\$$0" unless ENV['TM_SCOPE'].match(/math/)
puts snippet
Set Input: Selected Text or Nothing Output: Insert as Snippet
Super !
Best regards
PS : I work actually on a latex-author bundle for latex authors of packages. I made a new grammar because I need to see the changes between tex primitives and latex macros; I need also to see the ifthenelse structure, and a better grammar for Tikz etc ... I made a new theme more complete for LaTeX.
In a few days, I will upload all this work on a site for testing