On 2013-03-26 13:53, Meryn Stol wrote:
Bundles will execute some kind of script. Which will create a new process. Autocompletion syntax highlighting and similar features need to be very, very fast. I don't want to wait a whole second for for an autocompletion list to show up.
I think delegating syntax highlighting up to simple bundle commands seems a bit far-fetched. I don't know if it's even possible to update text with new colors.
What's why I'm talking about plugins and not bundles. This would allow TextMate to basically call functions in libclang (and similar) directly.
As for auto-completions: For me, getting php function suggestions (alt-esc) works absolutely instantly, while it uses a plain Ruby script. Do you notice any lag?
No, but it will perform a very basic completion result. libclang does semantic analyzing to give a very correct completion result, based on the actual types.
Given the instantaneous results I get, I don't think starting the ruby interpreter can be the source of slow-downs. Without knowing any more, I'd put the blame at first on a slow hard drive. I have an SSD.
When lexing (used for syntax highlighting), every instructs count.