On 19/08/2005, at 7.16, minimal.design wrote:
Can you drag from e.g. Mail's compose window w/o problems, or do you experience the same deselecting problem there?
No - After a little comparison, I'd say Mail is more tolerant about the ever so slight moves of the cursor coming from the use of the Intuos tablet. If I'm careful not to move at all in TextMate, it works fine, but if I just work as usual, 1 out of 3 times, it will deselect... In Mail, it just works perfectly...
hmm... so it would seem that Mail has some threshold for clicking and moving, before it actually starts a selection (or drag for that matter)?
I pulled out my old mouse from the box to compare and, as I suspected, I don't have the same problem. I guess that's enough to confirm my suppositions.
Do you know if the tablet report fractional coordinates? That might be the difference, i.e. that TM is seeing movements of only a fraction of a pixel, which Mail ignores. I can try to truncate the coordinates.
Although the problem might not effect a majority of the TextMate users (how many people use tablets for everything on their computer?), it is still a very fundamental part of the feature set. That's why I believe it deserves a little attention (read: "slider" :)
Sorry to be blunt, but this idea strikes me as absurd ;)
a) you will be able to disable re-selection in b17 (see my other letter on the subject) b) if Mail doesn't have the problem, clearly it's just a matter of replicating what Mail does, rather than let the user work it out by disabling features.