Following up on a post from a week or so ago, I've created a "mysql" snippet to run MySQL commands within TM. (This probably works best if you have a ~/usr/.my.cnf file configured with a default login and password on localhost.)
The snippet simply is the following: /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql ${1:database} -e "${2:SELECT}" ... so I hit mysql, tab, then enter the DB name and then the command. Some sample queries are appended below.
My problem is that the output begins directly after the final " in the -e statement. What's the easiest way to insert a carriage return here? Or is this better run as a command and not a snippet?
I've already got macros to convert DESCRIBE TABLE output into all sorts of PHP elements... TM is great :)
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql iedb -e "show tables" Tables_in_iedb clients firms iedbdata irt_metadata metadata sections stock /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql iedb -e "describe metadata"Field Type Null Key Default Extra field_id int(11) PRI NULL auto_increment section_id int(2) YES NULL category varchar(100) YES NULL subcategory varchar(100) YES NULL section varchar(100) YES NULL subsection varchar(100) YES NULL field varchar(255) YES NULL descr tinytext YES NULL type varchar(100) YES NULL avail varchar(100) YES NULL comments text YES NULL fieldcode varchar(100) YES NULL /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql iedb -e "select * from clients"clno fname lname job account_balance 10 sam smith auditor 5525.75 20 james jones manager 8960.25