Am 20.08.2008 um 01:18 schrieb Nick:
hi all,
I have command+i set (in sys prefs) to indent/indent selection and that overrides the textmate file info binding (I can't remember where that's located though, can someone remind me? all I remember is that this works) for single files but the project info window pops up when I have a project open and hit command+i and the indent menu item doesn't get triggered.
I looked in the key bindings.dict and the menus and bundles but failed to find where that command is, could someone point me in the right direction please?
If I have such a situation I do change the NIB files in /App/TextMate/ Content/Resources/English.lproj directly.
In your case you should modify: - MainMenu.nib
MainMenu to set the key binding of 'Indent selection' to apple+i
- Project.nib
Menu to clear the key binding of 'Show Info' FileHierarchy to clear the key binding of the most right bottom
Please note, if you do so make a backup in beforehand! Furthermore these modifications will be overwritten with next TM update.