On Jul 8, 2007, at 02:48, Robin Houston wrote:
On 7/8/07, Niels Kobschätzki n.kobschaetzki@googlemail.com wrote:
Maybe it's the way Skim now checks for the updated PDF.
However they're doing it, the new way isn't working properly!
Yes, it's a bug, and it's fixed in Skim's subversion repository. It may work if you open the file in Finder first.
Fortunately, version 0.5 also added a way to trigger a reload manually using AppleEvents, so I can get Latex Watch to do that. This is actually better than relying on the app to update, because it will happen as soon as the updated document is ready (but no sooner).
This is indeed a better solution, and moves the reload where it's actually supposed to be. Doing it by having the viewer guess at when the file is ready is a real pain, and has never made sense to me.