On 08.11.2005, at 02:49, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 08/11/2005, at 1.14, Karl-Heinz Wild wrote:
Could it be that since the snap 715 the defaultkey defininition for all application has changed. There are some definitions inside that I can't use newline, backspace in any applications on os x.
The update only replaced TextMate.app, so if things are wrong with other applications, the problem is unlikely to do with TM.
I've replaced the important part of the file, but the backspace sections seemed like the following snap.
/* TextExtras features */ "^$T" = "TE_preferencesPanel:"; "^$I" = "TE_reindentWrappedLines:"; "^[" = "TE_indentLeft:"; "^]" = "TE_indentRight:"; "^$C" = "TE_specialCharactersPanel:"; "^$G" = "TE_gotoPanel:"; "^$D" = "TE_openQuickly:";
Where are these entries from? Backspace looked like TM_insert...Tab: Aren't they from TM?
Please, don't missunderstand me. It's just a question not a reproach :)