There is an example latex file in the latex bundle. It should exercise the recognition (and therefore coloration) of all the various latex scope. You will find it in the Syntaxes folder of the Latex bundle, in the file test.tex.
On Mar 21, 2006, at 1:03 PM, thomas Aylott wrote:
My latest theme is meant to work with every language ever. I haven't started making it work with LaTeX yet though. I had asked the list for some samples of LaTeX, but i suppose I could just google for some.
I am going to be blogging and screencasting soon about how to make a theme. I'll let the ML know when there's anything to look at.
All the TextMate themes should be listed here on the wiki: (my most recent is at the way bottom.)
thomas Aylott subtleGradient
On Mar 21, 2006, at 6:34 AM, Daniel Käsmayr wrote:
Dear TextMaters,
I am looking for a theme that works very well with LaTeX - I don't care much about colors and such, yet. But it seems that TM provides some very detailed features for syntax coloring and I am not happy (yet) with the themes I have found so far, I would like much more… so I am looking for either a theme base for latex that at least has styles already defined for most sections, or some pointer on how to best design a theme, how to find out the scopes for sections of text… basically an in-depth-tutorial or documentation for the theme design? (Maybe I am looking at the wrong places…?) Is there an easy way to extract all possible scope selectors from a languag definition and create a blanket theme out of this?
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