On 07-08-2005 21:05, Jim Woolum wrote:
Does anyone (maybe Jeroen van der Ham, or some other Applescript maven)
Erm, thanks for that compliment, but I know next to nothing about Applescript ;) I only did a small script for python autocompletion that I still intend to improve.
know how to make BBAutoComplete ( http://c-command.com/bbautocomplete/ ) work with TextMate? (For broad spectrum text autocompletion.)
I haven't tried out this app, it might work with TextMate eventually, but it seems a bit odd to implement this with a seperate (closed source) application. TextMate has almost everything needed in place to make it a breeze to implement this kind of thing, using standard command-line tools or a simple script in your favourite language.
TM already does completion based on the content of the current document. I think this can be overloaded by disabling the default completion and using a command bound to <esc>. We just need to build a small script which generates the candidates and can loop through them. My Python script already has some bits that can do that.
If I have some time I'd like to improve the script and do some better candidate selection from the current document (it only works on the current *saved* document now) and expand that to the documents that are open or part of the project.