Dave On Dec 21, 2005, at 10:11 AM, Dave Baldwin wrote:
- I would like the run script command (command R) to save all
files and run my designated 'main' file - this may not be the one that is currently open. This is what Xcode does and while I could write a macro to do this it would seem a generally useful thing to have built in.
You can probably do what we do in the LaTeX bundle. In there, you can define a project specific environment variable, in that case TM_LATEX_MASTER, and have that be used if it is set, via a command like: M=${TM_LATEX_MASTER:=$TM_FILEPATH} and then using "$M" whenever you need to. Take a look at the "Typeset & View (PDF)" command in the LaTeX bundle. As for saving all files in project, you can set that as the "Save:" option in the command editing window. As I understand it, it is not currently set up because this way you an execute a Ruby script even if it is not saved, by saving it in a temporary directory, as the current command does. So I would consider this a separate command, preferably associated to cmd-B (for build).
- When I run script (command R) in my 'main' ruby file I get an
error window popping up, but when I click on any of the hyper links a blank file is opened, rather the one identified in the error line. The file in error is in the project.
I believe that we do that also in the LaTeX bundle, same command. Not sure how we accomplish it though. I think there is a script doing that, but I haven't looked into it too closely.
I have looked in the Ruby bundle, but what is going on is a mystery to me.
What part of the Ruby bundle are you referring to?
Thanks for any help,