I just did a svn co for bundles and support and now get this message from the blogging bundle. It must be something simple ... :)
sh: line 1: : command not found /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/ui.rb:192:in `initialize': No such dialog ()} for command: '' -a -c -p <?xml\ version="1.0"\ encoding="UTF-8"?>' '<!DOCTYPE\ plist\ PUBLIC\ "-//Apple\ Computer//DTD\ PLIST\ 1.0//EN "\ "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">' '<plist\ version="1.0">' '<dict>' '\ <key>details</key>' '\ <string></string>' '\ <key>isIndeterminate</key>' '\ <true/>' '\ <key>summary</key>' '\ <string>Contacting\ Server\ “travsavvy.com”…</string>' '\ <key>title</key>' '\ <string>Fetch\ Post</string>' '</dict>' '</plist>' ' ProgressDialog.nib from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/ Support/lib/ui.rb:15:in `new' from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/ui.rb:15:in `dialog' from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support/lib/progress.rb: 40:in `call_with_progress' from /Library/Application Support/TextMate/Bundles/Blogging.tmbundle/ Support/lib/blogging.rb:546:in `fetch' from /tmp/temp_textmate.2D7m4J:3