On 23 Sep 2009, at 06:27, Steven Klass wrote:
Would someone who has this running on 10.5.8 with 1.5.9 please do the following and TextMate open and Safari pointed at http:// www.google.com From the terminal
sample TextMate 10
switch to a Safari and the input dialog box at Safari type your sequence ⌃⌘E. From this Textmate should pop up type the word test and save it back to Safari.
Not sure what this should show, but during the last month/months there have been a handful of people reporting that the hack installs fine, but using the menu item is a no-op. Maybe a newer WebKit (though it still works for me on SL)? So far most people disappear again (they report this on IRC) and the two guys who stayed long enough to troubleshoot were both using it with regular one-line <input> fields which it does not work with (it did in the past, but WebKit is a moving target and I stopped chasing it).
Best to test this in TextEdit, as that is using NSTextView rather than WebKit.
Ciaran did a debug version of the input manager: http://github.com/ciaran/edit-in-textmate with some extra debug output. You can install that instead, and see what you get out of the output. You need to enable debug messages:
defaults write -globalDomain EditInTextMateDebugEnabled -bool YES