I try to use the wonderful tm_interactive_input (thanks a lot!!), but I have a tiny problem.
I copied the latest version of tm_interactive_input.dylib into $TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib/.
If I create a tmcommand like this:
TM_INTERACTIVE_INPUT_DYLIB="$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib/ tm_interactive_input.dylib"
if [ ! -f "$TM_INTERACTIVE_INPUT_DYLIB" ] then echo "$TM_INTERACTIVE_INPUT_DYLIB doesn't exist, build it first" exit 1 fi
TM_INTERACTIVE_INPUT=AUTO ruby -e " puts 'decoy line' print 'Enter Something: ' STDOUT.flush puts gets "
I see the dialog and the prompt but I cannot enter something and I cannot close the dialog (only APPLE+. works). What I'm doing wrong?
MacOSX 10.5.2 on ppc; TM 1.5.7 (1464); compiled tm_interactive_input.dylib version svn 9338
BTW: How can I change the button's titles?
Thanks a lot in advance,